When to raise your prices

It’s an inevitability in every business – you have to raise your prices to continue making a profit. There are many factors that go into deciding how much to charge, all of which are dynamic. The rising cost of goods, inflation, and a changing market are just a few reasons why any small business has to reevaluate its rates regularly to stay competitive (and to stay in business). While it…  Read more

6 reasons why you should raise your prices

There comes a time for every small business to raise their prices. While it may seem scary, remember that it’s your job to keep prices fair, both for you and your customers. That means you have to charge prices that work for you and allow you to remain in business. Read on for six reasons to raise your prices. 1. Your costs have grown The thing about inflation is that…  Read more

How to use your website to attract quality staff

Most companies need a website to conduct their business, but it’s also a critical piece of the puzzle in attracting amazing team members. Here are a few things you can do to make sure your website is always making a great impression, so you can attract great people to join your team. 1. Think of your website as your storefront These days, your website is the online face of your…  Read more

How to respond effectively to complaints

Complaints are an unfortunate part of running a business, but they do happen. No matter how hard you work to please your clients, eventually someone will have something negative to say. However, with the right approach, you can turn complaints into a useful tool to strengthen your business. Here are 6 tips to effectively responding to complaints: 1. Remember that this is not an argument The reason that a client…  Read more

5 effective ways to find new clients

If you want your business to continue growing and thriving, you’ll need to find ways to bring in new clients. Here are 5 ways you can find new clients for your business. 1. Set aside time for marketing Regardless of whether marketing is your preferred activity, you need to set aside time for it. It’s easy to put marketing at the bottom of your priority list, but doing so makes…  Read more

Nine tips to reduce debtor days for construction business owners

Steady, reliable cash flow is crucial for the survival of your construction business – so taking steps to ensure your customers pay promptly is a key priority. Debtor days refers to the length of time it takes clients, on average, to pay you for the work you’ve done. A higher number of debtor days means clients are taking longer to pay you. A lower number of debtor days means clients…  Read more

Questions to prepare for when pitching to investors

If you’re looking for people to invest in your business, be prepared to answer some important questions. Investors look for smart investment opportunities—that means they want to find out as much as they can about you and your business before they make a decision about whether or not to invest with you. It’s vital to have well thought-out answers to investors’ questions. Give them evidence you’ve thoroughly examined your business…  Read more

Understanding Australia’s Director Identification Number

In its 2020 Budget Digital Business Plan, the Australian government announced the full implementation of the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program. The program is designed to both establish the new Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS), and enhance how businesses register and manage their information with the government. Although the ABRS rolls out progressively between 2021 and 2024, one of the immediate changes is that business directors must obtain a director…  Read more

3 tips for working smarter and gaining personal time

You’ve probably heard the maxim that it’s better to work smarter than harder. Working smarter means allocating your time, energy and money so vital tasks get done more efficiently, freeing up your personal time. Too many business owners think they must keep working harder—taking on more responsibilities and working longer hours—to be successful. It makes sense, because you’re responsible for your business, but that route leads to work overload and…  Read more

4 things to consider before expanding your service offerings

If you’re looking to grow your business, you might consider expanding your service offerings. Adding additional services is a good way to increase your profitability, diversify your income and expand your market. But there are important things to consider before adding to your income streams. Here are 4 important things to keep in mind when you consider adding to your services. 1. Does the expansion complement your business? The best…  Read more

How to scale your business with minimal effort

If you want your business to grow, at some point you’ll have to think about scaling it. Scaling it isn’t exactly the same as growing it, though they are often used interchangeably. Growth refers to adding resources and increasing your revenue in a linear fashion. You double your number of offices to double your number of customers, for example. Scaling means increasing your revenue without a substantial increase in the…  Read more

4 money saving tips for business owners

Running a successful business requires you to make smart decisions about everything from who you hire to how you spend your money. There are many legitimate expenses to cover, but it’s easy to overspend in areas that aren’t helping you or your business. Spending wisely is key to owning a sustainable business. Here are four practical money saving tips for business owners. 1. Have a list of all your subscriptions,…  Read more

4 ways small start-ups can take on established competitors

Starting a business means you’ll be in competition with other companies that already exist. It’s actually a good thing if you have competition to go up against. Competition pushes you to be innovative. It also means there’s an established market for your goods or services. The key to benefitting from competition is knowing how to effectively take on competitors so your company earns a profit. Here are some ways to…  Read more

Polite ways to sack a client

Ask anyone who’s been self-employed for a few years. By and large, the vast majority of clients are great. The less than ideal ones, however, can become a serious liability. Problem clients come in all shapes and sizes. There are the late payers and scheduled “no shows”. The ones who are demanding and don’t respect your time. Remember, just because you need to earn a profit doesn’t mean it’s in…  Read more

Managing field workers in your construction business

It’s one thing to manage workers when they’re all in the same place at the same time. However, when you run a construction business with field workers, things can get a lot more challenging. Not only are you typically not on the same job site as them, you might also have workers scattered over a variety of sites and projects. Managing them doesn’t just mean scheduling them and making sure…  Read more

6 vital money management tips for first-time entrepreneurs

Financial management is a vital part of running a successful business, but often entrepreneurs start their business with little understanding of how to make solid financial decisions. Managing your finances is about more than bookkeeping and paying taxes—although those are also important to a sustainable business. It’s about managing cash flow, preparing for income fluctuations, and having the resources to take advantage of opportunities. Here are 6 money management tips…  Read more

3 reasons why business partners break up and how to prevent them

For many business owners, partnerships are an ideal way to run a business. Operating a business with a partner means you don’t have to make all the decisions on your own. It means you have someone there with you, to help you carry the burden and share ideas with. That can be a great thing, when it lasts. Unfortunately, many business partnerships fail. Although they fail for a variety of…  Read more

3 tips to make the most of the End of Financial Year

Preparing your End of Financial Year (EOFY) information often feels stressful—there are receipts to sort out and reports to review, and you need to make sure you have all the necessary information about your income and expenses. It can be overwhelming, and it can make the EOFY feel daunting. The end of the financial year isn’t just a time to collect receipts and find invoices, however. It’s also a time…  Read more

3 consequences of avoiding your bookkeeping

If you ask 100 business owners what they like least about running a business, chances are good that bookkeeping will rank high on the list. It’s an annoying and frustrating chore that takes up a lot of time and is easy to put off until tomorrow. Avoiding your bookkeeping is dangerous, however. Not knowing your company’s financial situation can result in a series of missteps that could ultimately cost you…  Read more

3 ways to motivate workers

The question of motivating employees is often on a business owner’s mind. It can be difficult to find ways to genuinely motivate employees at work, and often the old standards—performance-based bonuses, increased rewards and commissions—only work in the short-term, if they work at all. In fact, some tests have shown that the usual motivational tactics aren’t always effective. So how can you authentically motivate workers? 1. Share positive feedback Too…  Read more

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