Marketing your business: where to start and how to make it easier

Marketing can feel like a daunting task for small business owners. If you’re new to the game, or maybe you’ve been in business for a while and just haven’t quite cracked the code, navigating the world of marketing can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. Your business deserves to be seen, heard, and thriving – and with the right guidance, you can make marketing work for you. Let’s…  Read more

Why online reviews matter

In today’s digital age, online reviews can make or break a small business. With the ease of access to social media and review websites, customers can easily voice their opinions and experiences with your business online. As a small business owner, it’s essential to understand the importance of online reviews as they will impact your brand image, sales, and customer loyalty. Boost your brand image Online reviews are the first…  Read more

How can social media help grow your business?

As a business owner, it’s crucial to understand the power of social media marketing. Social media platforms provide an opportunity for businesses, no matter the size, to reach a larger audience, engage with potential customers, and drive sales. So, you’ve heard that your company needs to be on social media. Although this is true, it doesn’t mean your business is going to go from 0 to 100 overnight. Using social…  Read more

The power of social media marketing for small businesses

As a small business owner, you know the importance of getting the word out about your company and engaging with customers. Social media platforms are indispensable tools for achieving this.  The following is a guide to help you leverage social media to increase your brand’s awareness, engage with customers, and generate leads. Step 1: define your goals Before diving into the world of social media, it’s crucial to identify your…  Read more

How to use your website to attract quality staff

Most companies need a website to conduct their business, but it’s also a critical piece of the puzzle in attracting amazing team members. Here are a few things you can do to make sure your website is always making a great impression, so you can attract great people to join your team. 1. Think of your website as your storefront These days, your website is the online face of your…  Read more

4 tips for encouraging repeat customers

There’s a lot of data supporting the idea that it’s less costly, easier and more efficient to encourage repeat customers than bring in new ones. Among the stats Hubspot lists are that a 5% increase in customer retention is responsible for more than 25% increase in profit; repeat customers are 9 times more likely to convert than first-time visitors; and a 2% increase in customer retention has a similar impact…  Read more

5 ways to recover after a financial setback

You started your business with plans of earning a living and being successful, but an unfortunate fact of business life is that companies suffer financial hardships. Whether those hardships are pandemic-related or linked to other urgent situations, the effect is still the same. Your finances are negatively affected and it’s up to you to lead the recovery. Here are 5 steps you can take to help your business recover after…  Read more

Why smart business owners never stop marketing

One classic mistake business owners make when money gets tight is to stop marketing or cut their marketing budget. At first glance, it seems logical to cut down your expenses during tough economic conditions. However, in reality, it’s the opposite of what you should do. When your business is struggling, cutting your marketing budget will further hurt your business. It is during this time that you should go the extra…  Read more

4 ways to make the most of business down time

Every business experiences slow periods when the market for their goods or services lessens and sales drop. Business owners might be tempted to view down times as unproductive or wasted, but there are ways you can make the most of your business during these seasons. Here are four ways to ensure this time isn’t wasted. Take a good look at your business When things are busy it gets easy to…  Read more

Encouraging word of mouth

If you have any doubt that word of mouth referrals are important, consider these recent stats: According to Neilson, 92% of shoppers trust recommendations from friends and family more than traditional advertising 20% to 50% of consumer purchases are made because of a word of mouth recommendation 81% of buyers are influenced by their friends’ social media posts. So how can you encourage positive word of mouth for your small…  Read more

Use your Accounting Software to Boost Sales

If you think accounting software is just for tracking expenses and generating financial reports, you’re losing out on an opportunity to improve your bottom line. By taking advantage of insights provided by your software solution, you’ll benefit from a more informed approach to marketing and customer service – and by making the most of all the ways your software can improve productivity you can take meaningful action to increase profits.…  Read more

Working out an effective marketing budget

“How much should I spend on marketing?” Most small business people ask me this question at some stage. Many small business people find working out how much to spend on marketing a tricky exercise to calculate. Generally there are five ways to work out a marketing budget for the year. Remember that these are marketing budgets, not advertising budgets. Marketing covers everything you do in your business that creates awareness,…  Read more

3 easy and inexpensive ways to look more professional when you’re starting out

For bootstrapping young businesses, making a professional first impression as you build your brand is key. Although hiring a branding expert may be too large an expense in the early days, you can still help your business stand out in the best possible way without breaking the bank. Just follow these simple marketing moves that will help people to know, like, and trust you. 1. Build credibility with your own…  Read more

Growth hacks for your small business

Deciding on an online marketing plan can be overwhelming for small business owners looking for affordable ways to nurture steady, sustainable growth. With time in short supply, the key is to find one or two growth strategies that will get results at minimal cost. These proven growth hacks offer business owners a few simple, cost-effective ideas for attracting new customers, increasing brand awareness, and ultimately, getting more sales. Build your…  Read more

A Guide to Profiling Your Customers

Easily the most important first step in establishing any type of business is to define your customers so that you have the information you need to attract the right audience and generate valuable traffic to your website. Understanding your customers and what makes them tick is the key to any successful business, particularly if you are paying out large amounts of money to drive relevant traffic. One of the most…  Read more

How to run an event for clients and prospects

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, interacting face to face with clients and prospects may seem passé. In fact, face time is more important than ever. For one, you’ll stand apart from your competitors who only touch base with their customers via email, social media, and virtual conferencing. And by hosting in-person events that attract new leads as well as existing customers, you’ll be able to create trust and strengthen ties.…  Read more

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