What’s in it for business?

While some cost of living and climate initiatives may assist businesses, certain industry priorities are targeted specifically: Financial support for employers to retain and take on new apprentices is extended until end December 2023 Funding for Industry Transformation Plans (ITPs) includes allocations for the Construction Sector Accord Transformation Plan, the Advanced Manufacturing Plan, the Agritech ITP, and the Digital ITP. Regional business support and tourism have received additional funding in…  Read more

Inflation and the cost of living

The irony of two years’ trying to keep the economy as healthy as the population, is that the economy is currently running well enough but ordinary New Zealanders can’t keep up. Soaring global inflation is predicted to ease from later this year.  The Budget introduces measures designed to get New Zealanders through the meantime. Reductions at the pump and on public transport extend for a further two months, till August.…  Read more

JobKeeper changes coming this September

The government has announced changes to the JobKeeper scheme. The Treasury’s review found that the subsidy was still “needed” but required a “test to ensure that JobKeeper is well targeted”. Be prepared This means there will be changes to your current situation and your entitlements will be affected. The details of the changes are being announced now and we will ensure our clients are fully informed as to how this…  Read more

Hotmilk a hit on the global stage

When long-time friends Lisa Ebbing and Ange Sloan teamed up to launch fashion-forward maternity lingerie, they had a global brand in mind.  Now, just 7% of their business is local with international sales streaming in via their thriving website and the 300 stores across the globe selling their provocative but practical products. Here’s what Lisa and Ange have to say about their exporting journey, plus a few gold nuggets of advice for businesses looking…  Read more

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